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Why join POPLAR?

By joining POPLAR, and by agreeing to supply data through our member networks, you contribute to a secure provincial base of evidence that will strengthen family medicine’s capacity to learn about the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for the next one. This includes effects on preventive services, chronic disease management and long-term outcomes for our patients.


For more than a decade, member networks have been safely and securely collecting EMR data from practices of consenting primary care providers, with full privacy protection, to study and promote the vital work done in such practices. The data you provide can help make the case for the importance of investing in family medicine.



Doctor's Appointment

Patient population benefits

Your practice data will ensure that your patient population are represented in evidence and research used for guidelines on best practice for all family doctors

Earn MainPro credits

Reviewing your practice reports, reflecting on that information, and participating in research can all count towards these credits required for CFPC maintenance of certification

Innovative network collaboration

Benefit from being part of a network that can rapidly respond to the unforeseen, and have your contribution recognized and valued by colleagues

Quality improvement benefits

Receive reports about quality indicators important to you, helping you to complete the data-driven part of the CPSO QI Program more efficiently

Joining the network is easy

After registering with us, through one of our member networks, data will flow flow to the Network and will flow to POPLAR.

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